Empowering Women in Sex Trafficking

Giving women in prostitution the opportunity to leave, receive housing and start their own business in retail, whilst empowering them to a better life.

First-Generation Scholarships

For qualifying students who are the first in their family to enroll in higher education at a college, university, or seminary.

Table of Grace

Their mission is to create a loving, nurturing, home-like environment for displaced youth in the Central Texas area, providing shelter and healthy food as well as teaching healthy habits and life skills.

Hope House

Hope House gives hope to many disabled children and adults who need a permanent place to live. A loving atmosphere with personal, individualized care for all ages.

Set Beautiful Free

Set Beautiful Free works towards the prevention of sex trafficking through various campaigns, advocacy initiatives, sustainable opportunities for empowerment and shelter. Not merely hoping to temporarily relieve the suffering of women and children by placing them in a home with no means to empower themselves, but to help put an end to this form of slavery forever.

Hill Country Firefighter Burn Fund

Hill Country Firefighter Burn Fund was created by Central Texas firefighters to secure the future of pediatric and teen burn camps in the Texas Hill Country.

Key 2 Free

Exists to prevent and end sex trafficking through education in our schools, awareness in our local communities, and aftercare solutions for survivors of trafficking and exploitation. By creating a safe, quality environment, providing access to supportive community based services and educating the public and at-risk youth about trafficking.

Boys 2 Men of God & Daughters of the King

For children aged between 4-14 who experience the absence of a mother or father. After school programs in a sage and nurturing environment. Mentoring through fun and creative ways for single parent children.

Fostering Hope

Committed to building stronger foster and adoptive families through training, mentoring, and church ministry development. Empowering families and church leaders who want to offer a holistic solution to the foster and adoption crisis, while working with other community partners to achieve this goal.

Brady’s Bridge

Bridging the gap by providing individualized care in a group setting for kids of all abilities, including special needs by developing after school care programs.

Reset Mentoring

​Working exclusively with Williamson County Juvenile Services to help teens reset their lives. Whatever that looks like for them they have their own God given talents, dreams and future so for them to succeed long term, mentoring by walking alongside each one is the best first step.

Bastrop Pregnancy Resource Center

Services include free pregnancy testing, training classes, referrals, and material needs. Supporting, loving, encouraging, and helping throughout pregnancy and after the baby is born.

Leander Educational Excellence Fund

Through three main initiatives: Foundations for Learning focusing on early literacy, Enriching Great Teaching through innovative teaching grants and professional development, and College & Career Readiness to build a college and career-ready culture among all students.

Bastrop County Emergency Food Pantry

A strongly held commitment to alleviate hunger with emergency food, to address the underlying factors that create food insecurity, and to provide a helping hand to individuals and families struggling toward self-sufficiency.

Feed the Need

At Feed the Need Missions, our mission is to mobilize believers to feed people physically and spiritually in their communities while actively building disciple-making relationships.

Community First Village

A community that provides affordable, permanent housing and a supportive community for men and women coming out of chronic homelessness. This transformative residential program exists to love and serve our neighbors who have been living on the streets, while also empowering the surrounding community into a lifestyle of service with the homeless.